Degrees Pro 4.2.1

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A multigraph with vertices labeled by degree

In graph theory, the degree (or valency) of a vertex of a graph is the number of edges that are incident to the vertex, and in a multigraph, loops are counted twice.[1] The degree of a vertex v{displaystyle v} is denoted deg(v){displaystyle deg(v)} or degv{displaystyle deg v}. The maximum degree of a graph G{displaystyle G}, denoted by Δ(G){displaystyle Delta (G)}, and the minimum degree of a graph, denoted by δ(G){displaystyle delta (G)}, are the maximum and minimum degree of its vertices. In the multigraph on the right, the maximum degree is 5 and the minimum degree is 0.

In a regular graph, every vertex has the same degree, and so we can speak of the degree of the graph. A complete graph (denoted Kn{displaystyle K_{n}}, where n{displaystyle n} is the number of vertices in the graph) is a special kind of regular graph where all vertices have the maximum degree, n1{displaystyle n-1}.

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Handshaking lemma[edit]

The degree sum formula states that, given a graph G=(V,E){displaystyle G=(V,E)},

vVdeg(v)=2E.{displaystyle sum _{vin V}deg(v)=2 E ,.}

The formula implies that in any undirected graph, the number of vertices with odd degree is even. This statement (as well as the degree sum formula) is known as the handshaking lemma. The latter name comes from a popular mathematical problem, to prove that in any group of people the number of people who have shaken hands with an odd number of other people from the group is even.

Degree sequence[edit]

Two non-isomorphic graphs with the same degree sequence (3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1).

The degree sequence of an undirected graph is the non-increasing sequence of its vertex degrees;[2] for the above graph it is (5, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 0). The degree sequence is a graph invariant so isomorphic graphs have the same degree sequence. However, the degree sequence does not, in general, uniquely identify a graph; in some cases, non-isomorphic graphs have the same degree sequence.

The degree sequence problem is the problem of finding some or all graphs with the degree sequence being a given non-increasing sequence of positive integers. (Trailing zeroes may be ignored since they are trivially realized by adding an appropriate number of isolated vertices to the graph.) A sequence which is the degree sequence of some graph, i.e. for which the degree sequence problem has a solution, is called a graphic or graphical sequence. As a consequence of the degree sum formula, any sequence with an odd sum, such as (3, 3, 1), cannot be realized as the degree sequence of a graph. The converse is also true: if a sequence has an even sum, it is the degree sequence of a multigraph. The construction of such a graph is straightforward: connect vertices with odd degrees in pairs by a matching, and fill out the remaining even degree counts by self-loops.The question of whether a given degree sequence can be realized by a simple graph is more challenging. This problem is also called graph realization problem and can either be solved by the Erdős–Gallai theorem or the Havel–Hakimi algorithm. The problem of finding or estimating the number of graphs with a given degree sequence is a problem from the field of graph enumeration.

More generally, the degree sequence of a hypergraph is the non-increasing sequence of its vertex degrees. A sequence is k{displaystyle k}-graphic if it is the degree sequence of some k{displaystyle k}-uniform hypergraph. In particular, a 2{displaystyle 2}-graphic sequence is graphic. Deciding if a given sequence is k{displaystyle k}-graphic is doable in polynomial time for k=2{displaystyle k=2} via the Erdős–Gallai theorem but is NP-complete for all k3{displaystyle kgeq 3} (Deza et al., 2018 [3]).

Special values[edit]

An undirected graph with leaf nodes 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, and 12
  • A vertex with degree 0 is called an isolated vertex.
  • A vertex with degree 1 is called a leaf vertex or end vertex, and the edge incident with that vertex is called a pendant edge. In the graph on the right, {3,5} is a pendant edge. This terminology is common in the study of trees in graph theory and especially trees as data structures.
  • A vertex with degree n − 1 in a graph on n vertices is called a dominating vertex.

Global properties[edit]

  • If each vertex of the graph has the same degree k the graph is called a k-regular graph and the graph itself is said to have degree k. Similarly, a bipartite graph in which every two vertices on the same side of the bipartition as each other have the same degree is called a biregular graph.
  • An undirected, connected graph has an Eulerian path if and only if it has either 0 or 2 vertices of odd degree. If it has 0 vertices of odd degree, the Eulerian path is an Eulerian circuit.
  • A directed graph is a pseudoforest if and only if every vertex has outdegree at most 1. A functional graph is a special case of a pseudoforest in which every vertex has outdegree exactly 1.
  • By Brooks' theorem, any graph other than a clique or an odd cycle has chromatic number at most Δ, and by Vizing's theorem any graph has chromatic index at most Δ + 1.
  • A k-degenerate graph is a graph in which each subgraph has a vertex of degree at most k.

See also[edit]

  • Indegree, outdegree for digraphs
  • degree sequence for bipartite graphs


  1. ^Diestel p.5
  2. ^Diestel p.278
  3. ^Deza, Antoine; Levin, Asaf; Meesum, Syed M.; Onn, Shmuel (January 2018). 'Optimization over Degree Sequences'. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics. 32 (3): 2067–2079. doi:10.1137/17M1134482. ISSN0895-4801.


Degrees Pro 4.2.1 10

  • Diestel, Reinhard (2005), Graph Theory (3rd ed.), Berlin, New York: Springer-Verlag, ISBN978-3-540-26183-4.
  • Erdős, P.; Gallai, T. (1960), 'Gráfok előírt fokszámú pontokkal'(PDF), Matematikai Lapok (in Hungarian), 11: 264–274.
  • Havel, Václav (1955), 'A remark on the existence of finite graphs', Časopis pro pěstování matematiky (in Czech), 80: 477–480
  • Hakimi, S. L. (1962), 'On realizability of a set of integers as degrees of the vertices of a linear graph. I', Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 10: 496–506, MR0148049.
  • Sierksma, Gerard; Hoogeveen, Han (1991), 'Seven criteria for integer sequences being graphic', Journal of Graph Theory, 15 (2): 223–231, doi:10.1002/jgt.3190150209, MR1106533.
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Auslogics Disk Defrag Pro With
Auslogics Disk Defrag Professional Editon is of your favorite defragmenter. Now delivers even more speed to your hard drive, thanks to new optimization algorithms and boot-time defrag technology. Disk Defrag Pro increases file access speed, meaning that just about everything on your PC will work faster. Thanks to 4 different algorithms for intelligent file placement, your hard drive will always run at its top speed. Can’t decide which defrag algorithm to choose? No worries! Use the Wizard to identify best defrag methods for your PC. Disk Defrag Pro not only defrags, but also can prevent further fragmentation by leaving free space after specified files. For faster and safer defragmentation, you can set the program to remove temp files and check disks for errors. Limit the use of system resources by the defrag process when you’re at your PC, or lift any restrictions for faster defrag. Speed improvements and disks’ state can now be easily tracked through detailed reports and performance charts. Now you can defrag every single file, including crucial system files that are normally locked by Windows.
• Defragments system files (MFT, pagefile, hiberfil, etc.)
• Offers a choice of 4 disk optimization algorithms
• Not only defrags, but prevents further fragmentation
• Uses special algorithms for SSD and VSS-enabled drives
Auslogics Disk Defrag Pro is not just a defragmenter any more, but a fully featured disk optimizer. And with all the advanced techniques of disk optimization it has, Disk Defrag Pro remains extremely compact and even easier to use!

Degrees Pro 4.2.1 Android

Auslogics Disk Defrag is designed for fast optimization of today’s modern hard disks. Get the maximum performance out of your expensive hardware investments. Can save your time by defragmenting only necessary files, instead of defragmenting an entire hard drive. It works on Windows 7/2008/Vista/2003/XP (32-bit and 64-bit).
• 4 Optimization Algorithms
There are 4 disk optimization algorithms available for you to choose from. Use the Optimize by Access Time method when you want to have faster access to frequently used files. In order to speed up your system loading and application startup, use the Optimize by Prefetch Layout algorithm. If you just want to reduce further file fragmentation, then choose Optimize by Change Time. And finally, the Optimize by Disk Zone algorithm allows you to manually specify which file types or even individual files should be written to the faster part of the disk.
• Offline Defragmentation
The new Offline Defragmentation engine makes it possible to defragment important system files that are normally locked and can’t be moved while Windows is running. Offline Defragmentation is performed on system boot, before the operating system loads. It allows you to streamline the following system files: MFT files, Paging file, Hybernation file and Windows Registry files. Defragmenting system files will make your Windows more responsive, speed up system loading and overall performance.
• Free Space Consolidation
Use the Free Space Consolidation algorithm to greatly slow down the process of file fragmentation. This optimization method merges free space on your disk into a large contiguous block, which makes it possible for new files to be written without fragmentation. Note that while consolidating free space, the program also defragments files. But you can set the program not to defragment files in order to make the consolidation process go faster.
• Advanced Defrag Algorithms
Disk Defrag Pro has defrag algorithms specifically designed for VSS-enabled and SSD drives. The VSS defrag algorithm is aimed to minimize growth of the VSS storage area caused by file movement during defragmentation. It also reduces the chance of overwriting previous VSS snapshots. The SSD defrag algorithm greatly reduces the number of write operations during defragmentation, which allows to extend the disk’s lifespan.
• Comprehensive Reports
With new comprehensive reports in the Professional version, it is easy to track all of the operations performed by the program. You can view the degree of file and free space fragmentation, size of the largest contiguous free space block available on your disk, and number of files processed during each operation. You can also track the general condition of your disk and performance improvements through graphic charts. All reports can be viewed, printed and stored in a format convenient for you.

Degrees Pro 4.2.1 Download

• Resource Management
Disk Defrag Pro allows you to easily control the load on system resources produced by the defragmentation process. Restrict the use of system resources by the program when you are at your PC, or lift any restrictions to defrag your disks faster. There are 4 pre-defined resource usage profiles you can choose from. Alternatively, you can create your own profile with specific CPU and disk usage restrictions. You can also restrict launching defragmentation process when a specified application is running or your laptop switches to battery power.
• Single File or Folder Defragmentation
Sometimes it makes more sense to defragment frequently used files only, instead of defragmenting the entire drive. Disk Defrag Pro can save your time by defragmenting only the files you want. It allows you to defragment a single file, several files or an entire folder. This option is useful when certain files need to be defragmented to speed up an application and there is no need to defragment the entire hard drive.
• List of Fragmented Files
Disk Defrag Pro lists all fragmented files after performing disk analysis. Selecting a file from the list will highlight its fragments’ location on the cluster map. You can find the most fragmented files and their paths by sorting through the list. The list also lets you choose files to defragment and files to add to the ignore list. All you need to do is right-click on a file in the list and select the operation you want to perform.
• Defragmentation Wizard
With so many disk optimization algorithms and defrag options available, how do you choose the right one for your PC? Thanks to Defragmentation Wizard, it’s a matter of just a few simple clicks. All you have to do is specify what purpose you mostly use your computer for (home, office, gaming or as a server), how often you work with various types of documents, and when your PC is on, but is not in use. This information will help the program suggest optimization algorithms that will work to achieve optimal disk and system performance.
• Advanced Scheduler

Degrees Pro 4.2.1 Software

Degrees pro 4.2.1 download
A wide range of scheduling options makes it easy to maintain your hard drive in a consistently good shape. You can set the program to run precisely at the specified time, or alternatively, use Auto Defragmentation mode. The latter enables the program to defragment and optimize your disks in real time, making sure that file fragmentation is eliminated as soon as it occurs. And thanks to adjustable resource usage restrictions, any of the scheduled tasks won’t ever disturb you while you work or play on your computer.
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Degrees Pro 4.2.1 2017

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